The Equalizer 3: Closure, the Art of Knowing When to End a Series, and the Movie

Hey there, fellow film enthusiasts! So, “The Equalizer 3” movie and series just hit theatres, and it’s officially the final chapter in the series. Denzel Washington is back as Robert McCall, the retired government assassin turned saviour, and I’ve got some thoughts to share about why this trilogy is the perfect stopping point.

Directed by Antoine Fuqua, “The Equalizer 3” is a satisfying conclusion to Robert McCall’s cinematic journey. He’s put his turbulent past behind him and retired, looking for a peaceful life. But as fate would have it, trouble knocks on his door again when a local threat emerges.

During Collider’s IMAX screening and Q&A for the film, Fuqua provided insight into why the Equalizer series is best suited as a trilogy. His primary reason is that the character of Robert McCall has been thoroughly explored throughout the three movies, acknowledging that all good things must come to an end. While briefly speculating about the possibility of a prequel, Fuqua sees The Equalizer 3 as a fitting conclusion for Robert’s character.

The Equalizer 3: Robert McCall’s Quest for Redemption and Justice in Southern Italy

In “The Equalizer 3,” Robert McCall embarks on a journey to find solace and redemption in the serene landscapes of a quiet town in Southern Italy. The allure of this picturesque location promises a fresh start, allowing him to shed the weight of his tumultuous past. As he settles into the rhythm of his new life, McCall forges new bonds, developing friendships and establishing routines that provide a semblance of normalcy.

However, tranquillity in this quaint town is soon disrupted by the menacing presence of local crime bosses who seek to dominate and terrorize the unsuspecting residents. McCall, who has honed his exceptional and deadly skills over the years, cannot stand by while the city he’s grown to care for is under threat. Thus, he is compelled to dust off his arsenal of lethal abilities, becoming a reluctant but necessary guardian of the place and its vulnerable populace.

Throughout this gripping narrative, McCall is forced to confront the moral dichotomy that has haunted him for years. He grapples with the weight of his brutal history and questions whether he is fundamentally a good or bad man. The choices he makes, the actions he takes, and the consequences of his decisions become central to his inner struggle as he navigates the morally complex landscape of his mission.

Amidst the turmoil and peril, McCall ultimately discovers a sense of inner peace he has long yearned for. In embracing the town as his newfound home, he protects its people and finds a sense of belonging and purpose that had eluded him for so long. “The Equalizer 3” takes us on a riveting journey through McCall’s transformation as he endeavours to safeguard the innocent, seeking redemption and ultimately finding the elusive tranquillity he desperately sought.

So, what’s the takeaway here? Sometimes, a story is like a good meal—it’s about savouring the last bite and knowing when you’re full. “The Equalizer 3” gives Robert McCall the closure he deserves, and as fans, we should appreciate that. Denzel Washington’s portrayal of McCall has been a compelling journey, and this third instalment provides a fitting conclusion to the character’s arc. It’s a testament to the storytelling prowess and character development that has unfolded throughout the series. As much as we love our favourite characters, there’s beauty in a well-crafted ending. It’s a reminder that goodbyes can be as powerful as beginnings, even in cinema.

The film not only ties up loose ends and offers resolution for McCall’s journey but also explores the theme of justice in a world full of complexities. “The Equalizer 3” continues to showcase the fine line between vigilante justice and the rule of law, making the audience question their perspectives on what it means to do the right thing. It’s a narrative that challenges our preconceived notions, and that’s a remarkable feat in a genre often known for its straightforward action.

In the age of franchises and never-ending sequels, “The Equalizer 3” distinguishes itself by having the courage to conclude the story on a high note. It recognizes that the most satisfying stories sometimes end decisively, leaving a lasting impression. So, hats off to “The Equalizer 3” for knowing when to bow out gracefully and reminding us that even in blockbuster cinema, there’s an art to delivering a powerful, poignant conclusion.