Un Paraíso que Combina Playa y Cala, pero no Todo es Perfecto»

 Un Paraíso que Combina Playa y Cala, pero no Todo es Perfecto»

¿Alguna vez has estado en la playa de Ses Illetes en Formentera? ¡Esta joya oculta es un lugar que debes visitar! Situada cerca de Dreams Beach, Ses Illetes es una de las playas más impresionantes.

Pero detente un momento; esta franja de costa es más que solo un rostro hermoso. Forma parte de una región protegida, el Parque Natural de las Salinas de Ibiza y Formentera, lo que significa que hay leyes específicas que debes observar mientras la visitas. Te guiaré sobre cómo llegar allí y te proporcionaré consejos prácticos para aprovechar al máximo tu estancia en esta encantadora parte del mundo.

Dreams Beach

Ses Illetes: Un Paraíso que Combina Playa y Cala – Llegar a Ses Illetes desde Es Pujols o La Savina: La Joya Oculta de Formentera – Playa Ses Illetes en la Playa Dreams Beach

Esta playa se encuentra en el extremo norte de la isla, abrazando la costa occidental. Su igualmente encantadora prima, Playa de Levante, está situada en el lado oriental; consulta nuestra publicación anterior, «Playa de Ses Illetes y Playa di Levante», para obtener más información.

El centro turístico más cercano es La Savina, un hermoso pueblito que alberga el puerto de Formentera. Aquí puedes encontrar apartamentos económicos que combinan una ubicación céntrica y proximidad a las playas más impresionantes. La Savina cuenta con todas las comodidades necesarias para una estancia turística: bares, restaurantes, supermercados, tiendas encantadoras e incluso un mercado de artesanía y recuerdos.

Para llegar a Ses Illetes, deberás alquilar un coche a menos que estés dispuesto a recorrer uno de los diversos senderos naturales. Sigue la carretera principal que sale del puerto de La Savina y gira a la izquierda poco antes de entrar en el pueblo. La carretera serpentea a través de las salinas, creando una vista impresionante por sí sola. Después de aproximadamente 1,5 kilómetros, verás la señal de giro a la izquierda que te llevará al camino de tierra que te llevará a las playas.

Si estás comenzando tu viaje desde otras partes de la isla, sigue las indicaciones hacia Es Pujols y luego hacia el puerto. En ese caso, encontrarás la desviación de la carretera de tierra a la derecha, aproximadamente a 4 kilómetros del pueblo.

Formentera's Hidden Gem: Ses Illetes Beach on the Beach at Dreams Beach

How Much Does It Cost to Enter Illetas Beach?

As indicated before, this region is part of a natural park. Therefore, you’ll need to pay an admission charge at a kiosk at the start of the dirt road linking all the coves in this paradise. Here are the access charges depending on your method of transportation:

Please find below the charges for different vehicles to enter the park:

  • Bicycle: No charge
  • Motorbike/Scooter: €2 to €4 (depending on the season)*
  • Car: €4 to €6 (depending on the season)*
  • Quads: These vehicles are prohibited (click here for more information)
  • Pedestrians: No charge

Electric cars can enter for free, but hybrids must pay 50% of the relevant category charge.

Consider this «toll» as access and parking in specific zones. In truth, it’s a levy that goes toward maintaining and enhancing the park. Remember that if you’re renting a vehicle, it’s advised to come early as there are just 13 parking sites for around 380 spots, compared to over 1,000 locations for motorcyclists.

Ses Illetes: Un Paraíso que Combina Playa y Cala

Getting to Ses Illetas Without Renting a Vehicle: Regular Bus or Boat Trips

If you’re not hiring a car, you may still reach Illetas Beach by regular bus routes. You may choose Line 3, a tourist bus that links the port of Formentera, La Savina, with Illetas Beach (€8 per person round trip) and Es Pujols Beach (€12 per person round trip), leaving every half hour.

If you’re staying in an apartment or hotel in the Playa de Migjorn region, you’ll need to utilise Line 7, which has fewer schedules but enables you to reach Ses Illetes from even the furthest parts of the island.

Another option to visit this magnificent beach is scheduling a boat excursion, hiring a rubber dinghy or a «last» (Formentera’s traditional boat) so you can freely explore the different coves of Illetas and even reach Espalmador Island. Alternatively, you may utilise the Bahía boat, which cruises daily from the harbour to Illetas Beach and Espalmador Beach.

Getting to Ses Illetes from Ibiza

Sadly, there are no longer direct ferries from Ibiza to Illetas, so you’ll need to charter a suitably prominent and strong boat to complete the voyage and reach Illetas Beach on your own.

You may also utilise the quick boats that link the port of Ibiza with Formentera (click here for online rate reductions) and then take the Bahía boat or hire a motorbike or bicycle.

As a last alternative, you may take a magnificent coastline walk from the port of Formentera to Ses Illetes. It takes around 45 minutes over a lovely and well-maintained trail, but pack extra water since there are just a few sheltered areas.

Tips for an Unforgettable Day at the Beach

As you’ve seen, various methods exist to access this legendary beach; you must determine which one fits you best.

We suggest coming early enough in the morning or even consider travelling immediately in the afternoon to avoid finding the gate blocked due to packed parking lots.

Remember that this neighbourhood lacks hotels or flats (the nearest ones are in the La Savina district). There are also few eateries, justifying the somewhat higher pricing owing to the genuinely unequalled position. If you intend to spend the entire day at the beach without breaking the bank, you’ll need to arrange a packed lunch and enough beverages to completely experience one of Europe’s and the world’s most incredible beaches!